How would you like to be able to spend more time with your children at home? Or be able to supplement your current income with a little extra cash. Would you like to work for yourself, to make yourself successful and not your employer. Would you like a residual income, a income that continues to pay you even if you stop working?
After many years of working long hours each day. Punching a clock every week. Barely making ends meet for me and my family. I was tired of my 3 year old daughter crying when I left for work. I was tired of my wife working long hours and coming home exhausted after a long day. I was tired of not seeing my wife because we worked opposite shifts. I was tired of not seeing my 16 year old daughter because she came home at 3 p.m. for school as I left for work. I decided to make a change.
1. Work for yourself. I decided to stop making my employer rich. When you have a JOB that you work for someone else, you are making them more and more successful, and more and more rich. I decided to make a change and start working for myself. Where I can determine my own success, and future, and over all give myself a residual income.
2. Residual income. Residual income is defined as income that comes in regardless if you work or not. Let me ask you this question: "How Rich Are You?" most would answer by saying not very rich at all. The word Rich is not determined by how much $ you have, but instead by the length of TIME you can survive without working. In other words, how long can to afford to live and pay for your monthly bills and expenses before your money runs out? 6 months, 3 months, or even 1 month? What happens if you get sick, or injured on the job? With RESIDUAL INCOME there will be no worries about how will I survive, how will I support my family? Residual income is income that comes in if you work or not!
3. Spend more time with loved ones. It tore me apart each and every day before I would head off to my JOB, my youngest daughter would cry and say "Daddy do you have work today? I wish you didn't have to work, so you would not have to leave me every day!" That crushed me every time I heard it. It also hurt to have my wife say that she never sees me anymore because we work opposite shifts. Working from home allows me to spend more time with my daughters and my lovely wife.
4. Make your own schedule. At your job, you have a schedule made for you each week. Some are fortunate to have a permanent schedule, others are not. A changing schedule is very frustrating, because it difficult to be able to make plans or appointments not knowing when your working. Most even work holidays and miss family events. When you work for yourself, you determine your own schedule, when your working and when your not. No need to ever miss out again.
5. Extra income, to do what you like with it. Maybe you have not taken a vacation, because you could not afford it. Maybe your vehicle is on the fritz and you can't afford a new one. Or you rent a apartment and would love to move into your own home. Or maybe you just want to spend more on yourself or your loved ones. Having a extra income would solve these problems.
I found a great business opportunity as a million dollar body coach. Let me explain. I've tried several other home based business, such as Herbalife. Don't get me wrong Herbalife is a great home business, but a little costly, about $2000 a month to run a nice successful business.
As a Million Dollar Body coach you:
1. Get paid every week
2. are able to get paid 8 different ways
3. They give you customers for FREE!
Here is the best part, very minimal investment. It only takes $39 to get started as a coach! That qualifies you as a member and a coach. It is only $15 a month to maintain your personal website. As a Coach, your job is to keep your customers satisfied and happy. The customers million dollar body gives to you for free! If they have any questions or concerns, you are there for support. In 3 weeks, I have been given 55 customers! I get 25% of any orders placed by these customers. The best part is I don't have to take a order, I don't have to send the order, I don't even have to sell anything at all, my job is to be there for support if they need it. To be honest, most people don't want to be bothered with at all. It is all automated and it's amazing!
Million Dollar Body is the maker of home fitness DVDs and supplements. Some you may have seen on TV, Hip Hop Abs, Slim in 6, P90, P90X, along with many more. Anytime a customer that has been assigned to you and places a order, you get paid! My coach has only been doing the business for 6 months, and has 900 customers and makes $1000 a week for doing nothing at all! That is just the beginning, as time goes by you receive more and more customers and make more and more money! There is no catch it is fully automated. You are there for support, that is it. My coach answers emails from his customers maybe 1 hour every other day! That is amazing for as little time put into his business and gets paid $1000 a week, and that is just in 6 months of doing the business.
Go to this link
click on the "be a coach" red link on the right side.there you will see 3 videos that explain the business opportunity in great detail. There is also all the information available for you to look at so you can do your own research."
one unfortunate thing is the company has not gone global, so as of now it's only available to the U.S
As A million dollar body coach I get paid to get in shape and to get great result. As a coach my customers are influenced by my progress. This keeps them motivated and it motivates me to keep healthy and live a longer life. The happier I keep my customers and the more motivated they are, the more opp they will order thus the more $ I will make. So in a sense I get paid to exercise, get good results, and stay in shape.
Being a coach has answered my problems. I'm now, making my own schedule. I'm now, receiving a residual income every week. I'm now, earning a extra income. I'm now, working to make myself successful and not my employer. Most of all, I'm now, able to spend all the time in the world with my family and loved ones.
You can too! I'm not saying your going to be rich in no time. No I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is, how would a extra $500 or even $1000 a week in the next 6 to 8 months sound? Would it take care of your needs and wants? Would you be able to quit your lob? It is so simple, it's scary how easy this business is. I took that first step by signing up as a coach, and it has been one of the greatest decisions I have ever made. You can too, dare to dream, because dreams do come true!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
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